问题 F: PSO

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提交:9 通过:6


Particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) is a population-based stochastic optimization algorithm. In addition to the basic structure of PSO, there is also a variant called star-topology PSO, which introduces a star-shaped communication structure among particles. In this structure, there is a central particle called the leader, which is responsible for gathering and disseminating information to the rest of the particles in the swarm.

Now there are n particles on the star-topology. Among the n particles, there is one particle as the leader, and there is an edge between the other particles and the leader. For a piece of information, it can be propagated along an edge on the topology.

To examine the benefits of this topology, we need to calculate the following data:

We define that X is number of edges required for them to exchange information for two different particles. Please calculate the expected value and maximum value of X.


The first line of input is a positive integer T(T10^5) representing the number of test cases.

For each line,input a number n(2n10^9).


For each case, output two floating-point numbers representing the he expected value rounde off and maximum value of X. (keep 99 decimal places)

输入样例 复制


输出样例 复制

1.500000000 2.000000000
1.714285714 2.000000000