问题 K: String

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Alice and Bob are playing a string game.

Alice has a string S, Bob has a string T, in each round of the game, Bob will choose a string interval �[�,�]T[l,r] in T , Alice needs to find a string interval �[�′,�′]S[l,r] in S to make �[�,�]T[l,r] is a substring of �[�′,�′]S[l,r].

We define an interval of pairs [�,�][l,r]string S if and only if 1≤�≤�≤����1lrSlen(����Slen is the string S length), all optional intervals of a string are all �,�l,r that satisfy the condition. �[�,�]S[l,r] is a string formed by concatenating the S string from the lth character to the rth character in order.

A string T is a substring of the string S if and only if the string T can be obtained by removing some characters from the beginning and the end of the string S (or not).

Both Alice and Bob find this game too boring, and they want to know if Bob randomly chooses one of all the intervals in the string T, how many intervals Alice can choose from the string S and such that the string selected by Bob is a substring of the string selected by Alice.

The game will be played multiple times, and in each round, Bob will change the string T, so you will need to answer multiple sets of questions.


For the first line,input a positive integer �(1≤�≤5)T(1T5), representing the total number of test data.

For each test data,the first line contains two positive integers �,�(1≤�,�≤100000)n,q(1n,q100000), which represent the length of the string and the number of queries.

The second line contains a string of length n representing the S string owned by Alice.

The next q lines, each line contains a string, representing the query string T.

It is guarantees that the length of all query strings does not exceed 106106 in one test.

It is guaranteed that the input string contains only English lowercase letters.


For each query, output a line with a positive integer representing the expected number, and the answer modulo 998244353998244353.

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For the third query, ���Bob can choose from three intervals of [1,1][2,2][1,2][1,1][2,2][1,2], and the corresponding �����Alice has 9,6,49,6,4 intervals to choose from, So the answer is 9+6+4339+6+4