问题 D: Game on Tree

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Alice and Bob are playing a game. Initially, there is a set of string S. Alice and Bob take turns to play, with Alice going first. Each turn, a player can choose a string s from S, remove it from S, and select a character c which appears in s. Then, they remove all occurences of character c from s and divide s into several substrings along these removed positions. They add all non-empty substrings to the set S. The player who cannot make any move loses.

You are now given a tree with n nodes. Each node contains a character. Let path(u,v) represent the string formed by concatenating the characters on the shortest path from node u to node v (including nodes u and v). There are q queries, and for each query, given nodes u and v, you need to determine the winner when S={path(u,v)}. If Alice wins, also output the number of ways to make the first move.


The first line contains two positive integers, n and q.
The second line contains a string of length n, where the i-th character represents the character at node iii.
The next n−1n - 1n1 lines each contain two positive integers, u and v, describing an edge in the tree.
Following that, there are q lines, each containing two positive integers, u and v, representing a set of queries.


Output q lines in total. For each set of queries, if Alice wins, output Alice followed by the number of ways to make the first move, separated by a space. Otherwise, output Bob.

输入样例 复制

5 5
2 1
3 1
4 3
5 4
4 5
4 3
1 5
2 5
5 1

输出样例 复制

Alice 1
Alice 1