问题 F: Counting Sequences

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You are given three integers n,m,kn,m,kn,m,k, You need to calculate the number of sequence A=(A1,A2,…,An)A=(A_1,A_2,\dots,A_n)A=(A1,A2,,An) that satisfies both of the following conditions:

  • For each Ai(1≤i≤n)A_i(1\le i\le n)Ai(1in), 0≤Ai<2m0\le A_i<2^m0Ai<2m.
  • We let sequence BBB be the sequence obtained by rotating sequence AAA once,

∑i=1ncnt1(Ai⊕Bi)=k\sum_{i=1}^n cnt_1(A_i\oplus B_i)=ki=1ncnt1(AiBi)=k

Where ⊕\oplus represents bitwise XOR, one rotation operation will change (A1,A2,…,An−1,An)(A_1,A_2,\dots,A_{n-1},A_n)(A1,A2,,An1,An) to (A2,A3,…,An,A1)(A_2,A_3,\dots,A_n,A_{1})(A2,A3,,An,A1). cnt1(x)cnt_1(x)cnt1(x) represents the number of 111s in the binary representation of xxx.


One line containing 333 integers n,m,kn,m,kn,m,k (2≤n<9982443532\le n< 9982443532n<998244353, 1≤m≤1081\le m\le 10^81m108, 1≤k≤5×1041\le k\le 5\times 10^41k5×104).


Output one line containing an integer, representing the answer mod 998244353\text{mod}\ 998244353mod 998244353.

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In the first example, AAA can be (0,1)(0, 1)(0,1) or (1,0)(1, 0)(1,0).
In the second example, AAA can be (0,1)(0, 1)(0,1), (0,2)(0, 2)(0,2), (1,0)(1, 0)(1,0), (1,3)(1, 3)(1,3), (2,0)(2, 0)(2,0), (2,3)(2, 3)(2,3), (3,1)(3, 1)(3,1), (3,2)(3, 2)(3,2).