问题 J: Border Queries

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题目类型:传统 评测方式:文本比较 上传者:
提交:2 通过:2


Given a string S of length n consisting of lowercase English letters. A partition of S into three non-empty substrings �1,�2,�3s1,s2,s3 is considered good if and only if �1s1 is the border of �1+�2s1+s2 and �3s3 is the border of �2+�3s2+s3. We say a string s good if and only if s is a substring of S and there exists a good partition of S into �1,�2,�3s1,s2,s3 such that �2=�s2=s.

Define the value of a string as the number of its good substrings. Two substrings are considered different if and only if the start position is different or the end position is different.

Given a string T of length m consisting of lowercase English letters and q queries. In each query, you are given two integers �,�l,r. You need to calculate the value of �[�⋯�]T[lr].


Each test contains multiple test cases. The first line contains an integer T (1≤�≤601T60) denoting the number of test cases.

For each test case, the first line contains three integers �,�,�n,m,q (3≤�≤1063n1061≤�,�≤1061m,q106).

The second line contains a string S of length n.

The third line contains a string T of length m.

The next q lines each contains two integers ��li and ��ri, denoting a query (1≤��≤��≤�1lirim).

It is guaranteed that ∑�,∑�,∑�n,m,q over all test cases does not exceed 106106.


For each query, output one line with an integer denoting the answer.

Please do not output trailing spaces.

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7 7 2
1 4
3 7

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