问题 B: std::pair

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题面:传统 评测方式:文本比较 上传者:
提交:4 通过:3


Perhaps you are familiar with $\texttt{std::pair}$ in C++: it creates a pair of two types and provides basic functionalities.  
For instance, for the types $\texttt{double}$ and $\texttt{int}$, a $\texttt{pair}$ of them would be $\texttt{pair}$. You can access the $\texttt{double}$ member by $\texttt{.first}$ and the $\texttt{int}$ member by $\texttt{.second}$. Similarly, you can access the $\texttt{int}$ member of a $\texttt{pair}$ by $\texttt{.first}$, and the $\texttt{double}$ member by $\texttt{.second}$.  
Using a $\texttt{pair}$ is convenient when you need a quick combination of two data types. However, it can become quite complex when using nested pairs, such as $\texttt{pair}$ of a $\texttt{pair}$, $\texttt{pair}$ of a $\texttt{pair}$ of a $\texttt{pair}$, etc. Your task is to write a helper program that displays the types of members in these nested pairs.  
For this problem, we only consider types created recursively by the following rules:  

-   Basic types are $\texttt{double}$ and $\texttt{int}$.
-   For two possible types $A$ and $B$, $\texttt{pair}$ is a possible type.


The first line contains two integers $n, q ~ (1 \leq n, q \leq 1000)$, the number of variable declarations and queries.  
Each of the following $n$ lines contains a line in the following format:  

$\texttt{[type name] [variable name];}$


where the The first line contains two integers $n, q ~ (1 \leq n, q \leq 1000)$, the number of variable declarations and queries.  
Each of the following $n$ lines contains a line in the following format: $\texttt{[type name] [variable name];}$  
where the $\texttt{type name}$ is a string denoted a type defined above, and the $\texttt{variable name}$ is a non-empty string consisting of letters (uppercase or lowercase, $\textbf{case sensitive}$), digits, and underscores (\_, ascii 95), which must not start with a digit. There will not be any extra spaces except one single space between $\texttt{type name}$ and $\texttt{variable name}$.  
For the next $q$ lines, each contains a query string. Possible formats are defined recursively by the following rules:  
$\texttt{variable name}$ is a possible query.  
If $A$ is a possible query and $A$ is a pair, $A\texttt{.first}$ and $A\texttt{.second}$ are possible queries.  
It is guaranteed that each line of input contains at most $5000$ characters, no two variables share the same name, and each query must correspond correctly to a previously defined variable.


For each query, print a line of string in the same format of $\texttt{type name}$ in the input, which must not contain extra spaces.

输入样例 复制

3 3
int a;
pair<int,int> E6;
pair<pair<double,int>,double> __Fukami;

输出样例 复制
