1536: Table tennis

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题目类型:传统 评测方式:文本比较 上传者:
提交:4 通过:3


The 49th World Table Tennis Championships was held in GuangZhou from February 24th to March 2nd. It was a chance not to be missed for the table tennis enthusiast. TZD and other table tennis enthusiast in Zhongshan University decided to watch the first day's matches. That day when they got to the gymnasium, there was still an hour left. So they decided to walk around. They found that not far away there were some children playing games round a table. This game was played like this: you stand by the table on one side, and on the other side there is a machine to serve you the balls one by one. Then you hit the balls.

On the half of the table opposite to you, there are three cicles of different size. From left to right, we call the big circle, middle circle and small circle. If you hit the ball onto the area inside the big circle, you will get one point. For the midele circle you will get two points. And for the small circle three points. But if you hit the ball right onto the boundary of the circles, you will not get any points. If you get enought points, you will be given a small gift! TZD also wanted to have a try.

We assume that the circles are given by three integer (x-coordinate of the centre, y-coordinate of the centre, raidus). From left to right the three circles are (30,30,20), (100,30,10), (170,30,5). And each hit is described by two integer (xpos, ypos), meaning that TZD hit the ball onto the position (xpos, ypos). Now please tell TZD how many points the go after N hits.


The first line contains a positive integers T. T is the number of test cases followed.

For each test case, there is a positive integer N (0≤N≤60) in the first line, the number of TZD's hits. Next come N pairs of integers (xpos, ypos), each pair in one line. (0≤xpos≤200,0≤ypos≤100).


For each test case, print the total points in one line.

输入样例 复制

30 31
100 32
30 50
30 30
99 30
170 30

输出样例 复制

