2290: Question 8: Senior confusion

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题面:传统 评测方式:文本比较 上传者:
提交:3 通过:3


First of all thanks to this set of title’s translator—beautiful XuFei senior. Because the test-maker’s English proficiency has been a sight to behold, the content of the translation you may look not to understand, so I had to find a English god for help. But the XuFei senior also met a lot of problems in the process of typing, she wants an intelligent boy or girl to help her solve those problems.

Question is this: She wants to import a word of English, but accidentally import another,if she intends to change the wrong words to the word she wants to put, at least how many times she needs to press the keys on keyboard? There only have 26 letters on the computer, and a delete the BackSpace key can be used, the delete button can delete the end of letters, the 26 letter keys can add one letter at the end.

For example: She wants to input international, but carelessly input internationap, so as long as press the delete key, internationap became international, the add l becomes international, a total of button twice times.


Have multiple set of test data. Input a word in the first line of each set of test data, mean the word you want to input. Input a word in the second line , mean the wrong words. Enter only lowercase English letters.


For each group of test data, If senior’s input has no mistakes, please output”Sister XuFei is so clever”, Otherwise, output an integer T, represents change the wrong word into the correct word at least need to press a key on the keyboard T times.

输入样例 复制





输出样例 复制

Sister XuFei is so clever


Proposition:ZUFE_ZZT Translator:Angie