2293: Question 5: A simple question

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As we all know, God Wang is the master in ZUFE. One day he gave us a simple question. The question is: There are two arrays—array A and array B, both of them have N numbers, respectively is A [0], A [1],A [2] ...A [N - 1] and B[0], B[1], B [2]...B[N – 1].Now, God Wang wanted us to solve "A ❤ B".

The solution is this:

The first step: sort array A and array B from small to large.

The second step: for each of the i (i>=0&&i<=N-1),if i is odd, the C[i]=A[i]+B[i];Otherwise the C[i]=A[i]-B[i]

Step 3: output array C


Have multiple sets of test data.

Input an integer N in the first line of each set of test data,

Input N Numbers in the second line, said array A

Input N Numbers in the third line, said array B


For each sets of test data, output N numbers integer, means A ❤ B

输入样例 复制

3 1 2
5 6 4
1 2 3
4 5 6

输出样例 复制

5 -3 9
5 -3 9


Proposition:ZUFE_ZZT Translator:Angie