Vladik 和 Valera 分别有a,b颗糖,从 Vladik开始,第一轮Vladik给Valera 1颗他的糖,Valera 给 Vladik 2颗,也就是每人给对方的糖数会以2递增,问谁的糖最先无法按该规律给予对方
At regular competition Vladik and Valera won
a and
b candies respectively. Vladik offered
1 his candy to Valera. After that Valera gave Vladik
2 his candies, so that no one thought that he was less generous. Vladik for same reason gave
3 candies to Valera in next turn.
More formally, the guys take turns giving each other one candy more than they received in the previous turn.
This continued until the moment when one of them couldn’t give the right amount of candy. Candies, which guys got from each other, they don’t consider as their own. You need to know, who is the first who can’t give the right amount of candy.
Pring a single line "
Vladik’’ in case, if Vladik first who can’t give right amount of candy, or "
Valera’’ otherwise.