Once Danil the student was returning home from tram stop lately by straight road of length
L. The stop is located at the point
x=0, but the Danil's home− at the point
x=L. Danil goes from
x=0 to
x=L with a constant speed and does not change direction of movement.
There are
n street lights at the road, each of which lights some continuous segment of the road. All of the
n lightened segments do not share common points.
Danil loves to sing, thus he wants to sing his favourite song over and over again during his walk. As soon as non-lightened segments of the road scare him, he sings only when he goes through the lightened segments.
Danil passes distance
p while performing his favourite song once. Danil can't start another performance if the segment passed while performing is not fully lightened. Moreover, if Danil has taken a pause between two performances, he is not performing while not having passed a segment of length at least
t. Formally,
- Danil can start single performance at a point x only if every point of segment [x,x+p] is lightened;
- If Danil has finished performing at a point x+p, then the next performance can be started only at a point y such that y=x+p or y≥x+p+t satisfying the statement under the point 1.
Blue half-circles denote performances. Please note that just after Danil has taken a pause in performing, he has not sang for a path of length of at least t. Determine how many times Danil can perform his favourite song during his walk from
x=0 to
Please note that Danil does not break a single performance, thus, started singing another time, he finishes singing when having a segment of length of
p passed from the performance start point.