Caisa is now at home and his son has a simple task for him.
Given a rooted tree with
n vertices, numbered from
1 to
n (vertex
1 is the root). Each vertex of the tree has a value. You should answer
q queries. Each query is one of the following:
Format of the query is "1 v". Let's write out the sequence of vertices along the path from the root to vertex v: u1,u2,...,uk (u1=1;uk=v). You need to output such a vertex ui that gcd(valueofui,valueofv)>1 and i<k. If there are several possible vertices ui pick the one with maximum value of i. If there is no such vertex output -1.
Format of the query is "2 v w". You must change the value of vertex v to w.
You are given all the queries, help Caisa to solve the problem.
For each query of the first type output the result of the query.
gcd(x,y) is greatest common divisor of two integers
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