7485: Array Repairing

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Given an integer n, a sequence a[1..n] is randomly generated with equal probability, namely, ai∈[1,n]∀i∈[1,n]Note that it may be not a permutation of 1..n.

To turn it into ai=i,∀i∈[1,n], you can perform any of the following two operations for any times:

1.Choose i,j∈[1,n],i≠j, swap ai,aj costing 1.

2.Choose i,v∈[1,n], set ai=v costing k.

For example, if you perform operations of the first kind for 5 times and perform operations of the second kind for 4 times, then it will cost you 4×k+5.

Denote costk(a) as the minimum total cost for the sequence a with the parameter k. For each k∈[0,2], print the mathematical expectation E(costk(a)) mod 998244353.

Now, you need to answer the above question for each n∈[1,N]. That is to say, you should print 3×N values in total.


One line contains only one integer N, N∈[1, 5×105].


You should output N lines with each containing 3 values E(costk(a)) mod 998244353∀k∈[0,2] separated by two spaces.

输入样例 复制

example 1:

example 2:

输出样例 复制

example 1:
0 0 0

example 2:
0 0 0
0 249561089 748683266