8478: Grammar

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题目类型:传统 评测方式:文本比较 上传者:
提交:1 通过:1


Student Z took the course "Principles of Complier"this semester, and he was very interested in the
A grammar can be represented by G = (V T ,V N ,S,P).
V T represents the terminal symbol.
V N represents a non-terminal symbol.
S represents the start symbol, which is the initial symbol of the derivation process , and can also be
regarded as a special non-terminal symbol.
P represents the production. The production is divided into left and right sides connected by"− >". It
means that the left side of the production can be replaced by the right side. For example,the production
which left is S and right is Aa is S− > Aa ,means that the symbol string Aa can be used to replace the
symbol string S.
A derivation is the process of replacing a non-terminal in a symbol string with the right side of the
corresponding production.
The leftmost derivation result of a grammar starts from the start symbol. Each derivation will replace
the leftmost non-terminal symbol of the symbol string with the symbol string on the right side of the
corresponding production. After several derivations the resulting string of symbols.
For example, for the grammar "G[S]:S->aaBB B->bb":"a"b"are terminal symbol,"B"is non-terminal
symbol,"S"is start symbol,"S->aaBB"and "B->bb"is production,then S->aaBB->aabbB->aabbbb is a
leftmost derivation of this grammar,"aabbbb"is the result.
Student Z couldn’t wait to write a grammar, but the grammar he wrote was relatively simple and met
the following conditions:
1. Each terminal symbol of this grammar is a lowercase English letter, so there are only 26 terminal
symbols in total.
2. There are a total of n non-terminal symbols, and the i non-terminal symbol is represented by "[i]".
3. There is only one symbol on the left of each production, and it is a non-terminal symbol.
4. A non-terminal symbol can only appear on the left of a production once, that is to say, there will be a
total of n productions in the grammar.
5. The first character on the right side of each production must be a terminal symbol, that is, there will
be no such situation as "[1]− > [2]a".
6. Since Student Z didn’t think about which symbol to use as the start symbol, any non-terminal symbol
may become the start symbol of the grammar.
However, because Student Z does not have a good grasp of the rules of grammar, there is a recursive
definition in the grammar (that is, it derives itself from a non-terminal symbol), then it may not eventually
be possible to generate a symbol string composed entirely of terminal symbols. Therefore, for each leftmost
derivation, he will perform at most 100 100 derivations to ensure that the first 100 100 characters of the final
symbol string are terminal symbols.
Student z doesn’t care about the recursive definition, He just wants to know what is the yth terminal
symbol in the final string. And he will reselects a non-terminal symbol as the start symbol each time.


The first line of input is a positive integer T(T ≤ 10) representing the number of data cases.
For each test cases, the first line inputs two positive integers n(1 ≤ n ≤ 1000), q(1 ≤ q ≤ 1000) represents
the number of non-terminal symbols and the number of queries.The data guarantees that the total length
of n productions does not exceed 100,000 characters.
The next n lines, each with a string describing a production, data guarantee that the ith production has
and only has the ith non-terminal symbol on the left.
The next q line, each line has two positive integers x,y(1 ≤ x ≤ n,1 ≤ y ≤ 10 18 ) represents a query, x
represents the xth non-terminal symbol used as the start symbol,y represents the position of the terminal
symbol of the query in this query.


For each query, output a line representing the y-th terminal symbol, and output -1 if the total length of
the symbol string is less than y.

输入样例 复制

3 4
2 9
3 2
1 20
3 3

输出样例 复制

