8995: World Fragments II

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This problem is different from World Fragments I and World Fragments III. Please read the statements carefully.
There are qqq queries for you to answer. Only when you have answered the previous queries can you get the next query.
For each query, you are given two non-negative decimal integers xxx and yyy without leading zeros. You can apply the following operation to xxx any number of times (possibly zero):
  1. Choose a digit bbb in xxx.
  2. Let either x←x+bx \gets x + bxx+b or x←x−bx \gets x - bxxb.
For example, when x=(616)10x = (616)_{10}x=(616)10 you can choose the digit b=(1)10b=(1)_{10}b=(1)10 in (61‾6)10(6\underline{1}6)_{10}(616)10, then let x←x−b=(616)10−(1)10=(615)10x \gets x - b = (616)_{10} - (1)_{10} = (615)_{10}xxb=(616)10(1)10=(615)10.
Find out the least number of operations needed to turn xxx into yyy. Print −1-11 if it is impossible to turn xxx into yyy.


The first line contains a positive integer TTT (1≤T≤3×1051\leq T\leq 3\times 10^51T3×105) — the number of queries.
Each query consists of a line that contains two integers x′,y′x', y'x,y. Let the answer of the previous query be lastans\mathop{lastans}lastans. Specifically, lastans\mathop{lastans}lastans is considered to be 000 for the first query. The decimal integers x,yx, yx,y in the given query are shown as below, where ⊕\oplus denotes the bitwise exclusive OR operation.
x=x′⊕(lastans+1),y=y′⊕(lastans+1)x = x' \oplus (\mathop{lastans} + 1), \; y = y' \oplus (\mathop{lastans} + 1)x=x(lastans+1),y=y(lastans+1)
It is guaranteed that 0≤x,y≤3×1050\leq x, y\leq 3\times 10^50x,y3×105 holds for each query.


	For each query, print a decimal integer in a single line, denoting the answer. If it is impossible to turn xxx into yyy, print −1-11.

输入样例 复制

0 8
17 16
16 17
1 5
12 0
4 7

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	The actual queries and the operations in their optimal ways are shown as followings:

  1. x=1,y=9x = 1,\; y = 9x=1,y=9, optimal 666 operations: 1‾→2‾→4‾→8‾→16‾→1‾0→9\underline{1} \to \underline{2} \to \underline {4} \to \underline{8} \to 1\underline{6} \to \underline{1}0 \to 9124816109.
  2. x=22,y=23x = 22,\; y = 23x=22,y=23, optimal 666 operations: 2‾2→24‾→2‾8→3‾0→2‾7→2‾5→23\underline{2}2 \to 2\underline{4} \to \underline{2}8 \to \underline{3}0 \to \underline{2}7 \to \underline{2}5 \to 2322242830272523.
  3. x=23,y=22x = 23,\; y = 22x=23,y=22, optimal 222 operations: 23‾→2‾0→222\underline{3} \to \underline{2}0 \to 22232022.
  4. x=2,y=6x = 2,\; y = 6x=2,y=6, impossible.
  5. x=12,y=0x = 12,\; y = 0x=12,y=0, optimal 333 operations: 12‾→1‾0→9‾→01\underline{2} \to \underline{1}0 \to \underline{9} \to 0121090.
  6. x=0,y=3x = 0,\; y = 3x=0,y=3, impossible.