9433: A Bit Common

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题面:Markdown 评测方式:文本比较 上传者:
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Given two integers $n$ and $m$&#44; among all the sequences containing $n$ non-negative integers less than $2^m$&#44; you need to count the number of such sequences $A$ that there exists a non-empty subsequence of $A$ in which the bitwise AND of the integers is $1$. Note that a non-empty subsequence of a sequence $A$ is a non-empty sequence that can be obtained by deleting zero or more elements from $A$ and arranging the remaining elements in their original order. Since the answer may be very large&#44; output it modulo a positive integer $q$. The bitwise AND of non-negative integers $A$ and $B$&#44; $A\ \texttt{AND}\ B$ is defined as follows: - When $A\ \texttt{AND}\ B$ is written in ba<x>se two&#44; the digit in the $2^d$ 's place ( $d \ge 0$ ) is $1$ if those of $A$ and $B$ are **both** $1$&#44; and $0$ otherwise. For example&#44; we have $4\ \texttt{AND}\ 6$ = $4$ (in ba<x>se two: $100\ \texttt{AND}\ 110$ = $100$). Generally&#44; the bitwise AND of $k$ non-negative integers $p_1&#44; p_2&#44; \ldots&#44; p_k$ is defined as $(\ldots((p_1\ \texttt{AND}\ p_2)\ \texttt{AND}\ p_3)\ \texttt{AND}\ \ldots\ \texttt{AND}\ p_k)$ and we can prove that this value does not depend on the order of $p_1&#44; p_2&#44; \ldots&#44; p_k$.


The only line contains three integers $n$ ($1 \le n \le 5\&#44;000$)&#44; $m$ ($1 \le m \le 5\&#44;000$) and $q$ ($1 \le q \le 10^9$).


Output a line containing an integer&#44; denoting the answer.

输入样例 复制

2 3 998244353

输出样例 复制



示例2 ##### 输入 ``` 5000 5000 998244353 ``` ##### 输出 ``` 2274146 ```